The Doctor Is In partners with licensed independent physicians, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants who specialize in a variety of common healthcare concerns. You can submit photos, ask questions, and get your online visit and treatment. Select from the following conditions to get started.
Cold symptoms are milder than flu and include a runny and stuffy nose, sneezing and a sore throat. Flu symptoms are more severe and include a fever, cough and body aches. Getting vaccinated yearly can help you from getting sick and protect those around you from getting sick. In addition, you can prevent flu by washing your hands with soap and water and staying away from people that you know are sick. Although there so no cure for colds and flu, the symptoms can be controlled with over the counter medications, and occasional antivral drugs in severe flu infections.
Get a visitAnxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the US and are treatable if help is sought. In addtion, depression is twice as common in women than in men. Symptoms of depression include loss of pleasure, sadness, hopelessness. Symptoms of anxiety include leep disturbances, changes in appetite or weight and a decreased libido.
Get an online visit to discuss which treatments and lifestyle changes are available for you.
Get a visitMore than 38 million people in the United States have migraine disease. Those with chronic migraine may have 15 or more migraine days per month, interfering with daily activities. Migraines are recurring type of headaches that causes moderate to severe throbbing or pulsing pain. It is commonly caused by a trigger such as loud noise, flashing lights, smells, stress, or anxiety. Women are twice as likely to experience migraines than men.
During an onset of migraines, you may experience flashing lights, muscle weakness, intensive headache, nausea and vomiting, and exhaustion. Although there’s no treatments for migraines, the symptoms can be relieved and controlled with medications.
Consult with a healthcare professional for lifestyle changes and symptom managements.
Get a visitCold sores are painful blisters that form around or near the lips and inside the mouth. This is caused by an infection with a virus called herpes simplex virus. Symptoms of cold sores are: painful blisters on the lips, mouth, nose, or throat; throat and mouth pain; swelling in the neck; and body aches. Cold sores can be treated with antiviral medicines that reduce symptoms and shorten the amount of time symptoms last, but these medications work the best if started right away.
Get a visit now to treat your cold sores.
Get a visitThere are different types of ear infections. A middle ear infection (acute otitis media) is one where fluid builds up in the middle ear. Swimmer’s ear is an other common infection in which the outer ear canal is infected. Ear infections can be cause dby both bacteria and viruses. Symptoms include ear pain, fever, irritability, rubbing or tuggin at ear, and difficulty sleeping. Treatment is usually antibiotics (amoxicillin) in severe cases that last longer than 2-3 days In mild cases, doctors may recommend watchful waiting to give the child's immune system time to fight off the infection.
Get a visitA cough is a way that clears out body’s airway. Some coughs are called “dry” because they do not bring up mucus while other coughs can be referred to as “wet” or ”productive” cough because they bring up mucus. Causes of cough can be an infection, postnasal drip, lung condition, side effects from medications, or smoking. Treatment for cough depends on the type of your cough. Infections are usually treated with antibiotics. Postnasal drips can be treated with nasal sprays or oral medications. Asthma & COPD is treated with inhalers.
Talk to a doctor today to discuss treatments for coughs.
Get a visitDid you know that untreated urinary tract infections (UTSIs) can lead to kidney problems if left untreated? Signs and symptoms of include a strong urge to urinate, burning or pain during urination, abdominal or back pain, cloudy or bloody urine, and a low fever. A UTI can affect the bladder, kidneys, and urethra. Untreated UTIs can spread to the kidneys and cause further problems. Medications commonly used for treatment of UTIS are: Macrobid, Bactrim and Keflex.
Talk to a doctor today to see what UTI treatments are avaialble.
Get a visitAllergies occurs when your immune system overreacts to an something that is usually not harmful. This can include pollen, dust, mites, insects, food, or mold. There are medications that can help prevent these symptoms, such as fluticasone Propionate Nasal Spray (Flonase®). This medication is a nasal corticosteroid spray that can is used to relieve year-round and seasonal allergies such as nasal congestion, running nose, sneezing, itching, and watery eyes. Another spray medications is Azelastine Nasal Spray (Astelin). This is an antihistamine that is used to relieve nasal symptoms such as runny nose, stuff nose, and postnasal drip. In addition to sprays, Montelukast (Singular) is an oral medication that is used to decrease symptoms of allergic rhinitis, asthma, and exercise induced asthma.
Discuss which treatment is right for your allergies with an online doctor today
Get a visitAcid reflux is when the acid in your stomach backs up into the esophagus, the tube that carries food from your mouth to your stomach. This can cause an uncomfortable burning sensation in your chest. If this is left untreated, it can lead to other issues. There are medications that can help with these symptoms which are antacids, histamine blockers, and proton pump inhibitors. These medications work by reducing or blocking stomach acid but each of these do it in a different way. Alternate ways to manage symptoms include: avoiding foods that make symptoms worse such as coffee, chocolate, alcohol, peppermint, and fatty foods. Avoid eating late – laying down with a full stomach can make acid reflux worse. Try to eat at least 2 or 3 hours before bedtime. Avoid tight clothes and wear something comfortable that does not squeeze your stomach area.
Get a visit today to disucss treatments for upset stomachs and acid reflux.
Get a visitConstipation is a common problem that makes it hard to produce bowel moments. This can be caused by certain medications or poor diet. Symptoms include blood in the toilet, fever, weight loss, and feeling weak. Ways to prevent constipation is eating a diet rich in fiber, drinking water, and going to the bathroom at regular times daily. Foods rich in fiber includebaked beans, kidney beans, lima beans, oatmeal, almonds, peanuts and prunes.
Get treatment for constipation today.
Get a visitSkin rash is irritation of the skin or swelling. This can be caused by allergy to a chemical, infections, eczema, psoriasis, or autoimmune disease Signs of rash are itching, dryness blisters, a burning feeling and redness of the skin. Treatment includes a warm oatmeal bath, skin moisturizer, or medications such as a steroid cream/ointment or oral steroids.
Insect bites can create irritation and reactions as insects can transfer blood from other people and animals they have bitten to you. Stinging insects such as bees and wasp can inject you with a venom that can cause an irritation to your skin. Insect stings can be very severe to individuals who are allergic. If stung or bitten, wash area with soap and cool water, put a damp cold wash cloth to the affected area, apply anti-itch cream and keep the area clean and do not touch it.
Speak to an online doctor today about treatments for rashes and insect bites.
Get a visitIn 2018, 34.2 million people in the United States said that they smoked cigarettes and 55.1% of adult smokers said that they made an attempt to quit smoking in the past year. Smoking can increase the risk for heart disease and lung cancer but can be reduced as soon as 1 year after you quit smoking. There are many methods and resources of quitting smoking as well as medications. Nicotine replacements can be used to ease off cigaretts.
Consult with a healthcare professional and support services to start your journey today.
Get a visitNausea is when you feel sick to your stomach. Nausea and vomiting can occur from many different things such as food poisoning, infection, GERD, motion sickness, medications etc. Over the counter treatment includes dramamine and ginger ale. Prescription medications such as Zofran, Promethazine and Meclizine can be used for severe nausea.
Talk to a doctor today to see what nausea treatments are avaialble.
Get a visitPink eye is also referred to as conjunctivitis which is an infection or irritation of the eye. Signs of pink eye are pinkness and redness, itchiness, and a buildup around the eye. Pink eye is usually treated with antibiotic eye drops or gel. Prevention includes hand washing with soap and avoidance of sharing personal items.
Speak to a healthcare provider about concerns of pink eye.
Get a visitStep 1: Select your condition and pharmacy. You will then go to the marketplace to select a provider.
Step 2: Select a provider licensed in your state to purchase a secure messaging visit or video vist with1.
Step 3: Fill out all the required information to set up your account and fill out the health intake review for your provider.
Step 4: Complete your eVisit with your provider on the AZOVA app within 48 hours of the time of purchase.
If indicated, your provider will send a prescription to a PierceRx member pharmacy. You can pick up in store or get your medicine delivered right to your door.
1. Certain states require you to get a video visit with your provider.