The Doctor Is In partners with licensed independent physicians, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants who specialize in women/s health. You can submit photos, ask questions, and get your online visit and treatment. Select from the following conditions to get started.
We make getting birth control online convenient and affordable. Talk to a healthcare provider about what options are avaiable for you, such as pills, shots and patches. You can get an online visit now and your treatment shipped right to your door.
Get a visitDid you know that untreated urinary tract infections (UTSIs) can lead to kidney problems if left untreated? Signs and symptoms of include a strong urge to urinate, burning or pain during urination, abdominal or back pain, cloudy or bloody urine, and a low fever. A UTI can affect the bladder, kidneys, and urethra. Untreated UTIs can spread to the kidneys and cause further problems. Medications commonly used for treatment of UTIS are: Macrobid, Bactrim and Keflex.
Talk to a doctor today to see what UTI treatments are avaialble.
Get a visitHypothroidism is a condition caused when your thyroid gland does not produce enough of certain hormones. Symptoms include fatigque, increased cold sensitivity, dry skin and weight gain. Hypothroidism is diagnosed through lab testing and medications can be prescribed to bring your thyroid back in balance..
Visit with a doctor today about hypothyroidims diagnosing and treatment.
Get a visitHot flashes are most commonly caused by menopause. Risk factors include smoking, obesity, andrace. Symptoms are a sudden feeling of warmth spreading through the chest, neck and face, a flushed appearance with red skin and rapid heartbeat. There are both medication and non-medication treatments available.
Discuss how to treat hot flashes online today with a doctor and get your personalized treatment.
Get a visitMore than 38 million people in the United States have migraine disease. Those with chronic migraine may have 15 or more migraine days per month, interfering with daily activities. Migraines are recurring type of headaches that causes moderate to severe throbbing or pulsing pain. It is commonly caused by a trigger such as loud noise, flashing lights, smells, stress, or anxiety. Women are twice as likely to experience migraines than men.
During an onset of migraines, you may experience flashing lights, muscle weakness, intensive headache, nausea and vomiting, and exhaustion. Although there’s no treatments for migraines, the symptoms can be relieved and controlled with medications.
Consult with a healthcare professional for lifestyle changes and symptom managements.
Get a visitAnxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the US and are treatable if help is sought. In addtion, depression is twice as common in women than in men. Symptoms of depression include loss of pleasure, sadness, hopelessness. Symptoms of anxiety include leep disturbances, changes in appetite or weight and a decreased libido.
Get an online visit to discuss which treatments and lifestyle changes are available for you.
Get a visitStep 1: Select your condition and pharmacy. You will then go to the marketplace to select a provider.
Step 2: Select a provider licensed in your state to purchase a secure messaging visit or video vist with1.
Step 3: Fill out all the required information to set up your account and fill out the health intake review for your provider.
Step 4: Complete your eVisit with your provider on the AZOVA app within 48 hours of the time of purchase.
If indicated, your provider will send a prescription to a PierceRx member pharmacy. You can pick up in store or get your medicine delivered right to your door.
1. Certain states require you to get a video visit with your provider.